Wednesday 6 January 2016

Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 - How will this affect my care and support?

Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014:

How will this affect my care and support?

The Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act is a new law that will give you more of a say in the care and support you receive.

 To support you to achieve well-being, you will make decisions about your care in partnership with professionals. To help you to do so, you will have easy access to information and advice about what is available in your area.

 Carers will have an equal right to be assessed for support, to those that they care for, and more people will be entitled to Direct Payments.  

 A new assessment process for care and support will be based on what matters to you as an individual. It will consider your personal strengths and the support available to you from your family, friends and others in the community. 

 The assessment will be simpler and can be carried out by one person on behalf of a range of organisations.
There will be more services to prevent problems getting worse, so the right help is available when you need it.

 Stronger powers to keep people safe from abuse or neglect will also be introduced.

 The Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act comes into force in April 2016. You will take part in the new process at your next scheduled assessment date.

 For more information please see:
'What matters to you - matters to us' is a short film explaining the new way that Councils and Care Services will work when the new Act becomes law in April 2016
There is also an easy to read version of the new Act and a young person's summary
Deddf Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a Llesiant (Cymru) 2014:
Sut y bydd hyn yn effeithio ar fy ngofal a'm cymorth?
 Mae Deddf Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a Llesiant (Cymru) yn gyfraith newydd a fydd yn rhoi llawer mwy o lais i chi o ran y gofal a'r cymorth a gewch.
I'ch cefnogi i wella eich llesiant, byddwch yn gwneud penderfyniadau am eich gofal mewn partneriaeth â gweithwyr proffesiynol. I'ch helpu i wneud hynny, bydd gennych fynediad rhwydd at wybodaeth a chyngor am yr hyn sydd ar gael yn eich ardal chi.
Bydd gan ofalwyr yr un hawliau â'r rhai y maent yn gofalu amdanynt o ran cael asesiadau am gymorth, a bydd gan fwy o bobl yr hawl i gael Taliadau Uniongyrchol.
 Bydd proses asesu gofal a chymorth newydd yn seiliedig ar yr hyn sy'n bwysig i chi fel unigolyn. Bydd yn ystyried eich cryfderau personol a'r cymorth sydd ar gael i chi gan eich teulu, eich ffrindiau ac eraill yn y gymuned.
 Bydd yr asesiad yn fwy syml a bydd modd i unigolyn ei gynnal ar ran amrywiaeth o sefydliadau.
 Bydd mwy o wasanaethau er mwyn rhwystro problemau rhag gwaethygu, er mwyn i'r cymorth cywir fod ar gael pan mae ei angen arnoch chi.
 Bydd pwerau cryfach i gadw pobl yn ddiogel rhag cam-drin neu esgeulustod hefyd yn cael eu cyflwyno.
 Bydd Deddf Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a Llesiant (Cymru) yn dod i rym ym mis Ebrill 2016. Byddwch yn dilyn y broses newydd yn eich asesiad nesaf.

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