Thursday 5 January 2017

Invitation to take part in PQASSO Essentials pilot - for smaller third sector groups

Gwahoddiad i gymryd rhan ym mheilot Hanfodion PQASSO
Ydy eich grŵp neu fudiad trydydd sector:
·         yn fach o ran nifer y staff cyflogedig, neu
·         heb staff cyflogedig o gwbl ac yn cael eu rhedeg gan wirfoddolwyr, neu
·         newydd gael eu sefydlu?
Beth am ddefnyddio Hanfodion PQASSO i adolygu a gwella'r ffordd mae eich grŵp neu fudiad yn gweithio?
Mae Hanfodion PQASSO yn adnodd hunanasesu newydd, syml a diffwdan. Bwriad Hanfodion PQASSO yw helpu grwpiau a mudiadau llai y trydydd sector:
·         nad ydynt wedi adolygu'r grŵp neu’r mudiad cyfan erioed o'r blaen a'u bod yn awyddus i wneud 'archwiliad cyflwr’ sylfaenol er mwyn gwybod pa feysydd y mae angen iddynt eu datblygu a’u cryfhau
·         sy’n awyddus i ddechrau cyflwyno gwelliannau parhaus o ansawdd a’u hymgorffori yn eu gwaith
·         sydd angen fframwaith i gefnogi datblygiad eu grŵp neu eu mudiad, ac 
·         sy’n awyddus i fod yn fwy effeithiol ac effeithlon wrth eu gwaith.
I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am y cynllun peilot ewch i wefan WCVA
Invitation to take part in the PQASSO Essentials pilot
Is your third sector group or organisation:
·         small in terms of the number of paid staff, or
·         run by volunteers and does not have paid staff, or
·         newly established?
What about using PQASSO Essentials to review and improve the way your group or organisation works?
PQASO Essentials is a new, simple and straightforward self-assessment tool intended to help smaller, third sector groups and organisations that:
·         may never have reviewed their whole group or organisation and that want to do a basic ’health check‘ to know which areas they need to develop and strengthen
·         want to start to introduce and embed quality and continuous improvement in their work
·         need a framework to support the development of their group or organisation, and 
·         want to be more effective and efficient in how they work.
To get more information about the pilot please visit WCVA’s website

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